Image credit: Rafael de la Uz

Image credit: Rafael de la Uz

Nuestra Huella (Our Footprint)

On view September 13, 2024 - April 13, 2025
First Floor, East Wing Education Hallway and Second Floor, West Wing

Organized by Enlaces Alaska, Nuestra Huella (Our Footprint) comprises two exhibitions celebrating Alaska's Latinx history and culture.

Through photographs, community stories, archival research, artworks, and cultural belongings from museum collections, visitors will learn about traditions, beliefs, and histories from Alaska-based Latinx communities. Robust programming offers opportunities for hands-on learning about food ways, culture, dance, and craft traditions.

Join us Oct. 4, 2024, for a special celebration in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month.


Read this and any content on our website in Spanish by selecting Español from the flag icon language translation button at the top right of our website.


This exhibition is made possible, in part, with support from the following sponsors:


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